Monthly Archives: May 2020
More retailers to reopen shortly, in and around Heathfield
Heathfield High Street has recently seen several stores reopen in the last week, Trading4U and the Heathfield Ironmongers are two of note. The newly published government list has now opened the way for many more to reopen after June 15th. Shops will all be subject to social distancing rules and will incorporate protective measures to... Read more
26th May
Churches Together set up a community support service in Heathfield
Churches Together in Heathfield have set up a Coronavirus support service called Happy to Help, and have taken more than 230 calls since starting. Callers ringing the Happy to Help hotline are matched with a church volunteer. Volunteers have been busy picking up prescriptions, running errands and getting shopping for people who are self-isolating. Church... Read more
24th May
Riding challenge reins in more than £1,000 for charity
A six-year-old schoolgirl has amazed her family, friends, classmates and the local community by using her riding skills to raise money for the NHS. With her business being under ‘lock down’ and far too many horses and ponies to be exercised by one person at Ghyll Park Equestrian, owner Sally Ann Dale came up with... Read more
22nd May
Quick fixes and advice from Cuckoo Hair
Cuckoo Hair may be temporarily closed but they are busy supporting their clients through out this challenging time. For many, not being able to have their regular salon visit is tough. Leanne, co-owner of Cuckoo Hair is offering complimentary consultations over the phone to give advice on how best to handle hair and scalp maintenance,... Read more
18th May
Care home manager was “overwhelmed with help” after coronavirus took hold
The manager of a Horam care home says she has been overwhelmed by support from the public when COVID 19 struck. In an exclusive interview with The Heathfield News, Cynthia Viloria spoke of the huge sense of loss following the death of seven residents of Millcroft Care Home in Vines Cross Road. Three members of... Read more
15th May
#englishwinenight kicks off in the South East this Friday
We are lucky enough to be surrounded by excellent vineyards, and lockdown has given many of us the opportunity to explore these delicious wines, made right on our doorstep. In a response to this surge of support #EnglishWineNight was launched with the aim of bringing this new community of wine lovers together in Friday night... Read more
14th May
Wednesday sees several local businesses welcome customers back
After nearly two months of being closed, Trading4U owner Chris Macklin opened his doors to customers on Wednesday morning. Chris said: “I’ve had lots of calls from people asking when we will be reopening which was nice. “I was really keen to open but we needed to make sure everything was safe and secure for... Read more
13th May
Time to get your entries in, as the Heathfield Show goes virtual
One of the area’s biggest and most well-attended events would normally be just around the corner, the showground at Tottingworth Farm would be sporting marquees, show arenas and trade stands in preparation for The Heathfield Show at the end of May. But sadly, not his year. Along with a great many events affected by the... Read more
13th May
Tennis club starts fundraising to improve facilities
Cross in Hand Tennis Club has launched a campaign to raise funds for improvements and take the first steps towards becoming a local centre of excellence for the sport. Immediate plans include replacing three of the club’s astro courts, which were old and slippery, and laying three all-weather, state-of-the-art, artificial-clay courts. After several years of... Read more
11th May
Ideas for celebrating VE Day 75 at home
The May Bank Holiday was moved this year to encourage three days of celebrations to mark VE Day 75, over the weekend of 8th to 10th May. The Coronavirus lockdown has had a big impact on this, with most events cancelled. But, don’t dispair you can still join in from home, to mark this significant... Read more
6th May
Schoolgirl is Irish dancing around Heathfield to raise money for the NHS
Alice, aged 10, and a Y5 pupil at Punnetts Town Comunity Primary School, is fundraising money for the NHS. She is a regular competitor at the national Irish Dancing Feis competitions, and has several medals and trophies on her mantelpiece. “I saw that the NHS needed more equipment to help poorly people, which gave me... Read more
5th May
Heathfield trampoline park could close without Government support
A Heathfield business which is one of the largest employers in the town is facing an uncertain future due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Urban Jump Trampoline Park, on Ghyll Road Industrial Estate, was formally closed on 23rd March in line with the UK Government mandate. Because the park is so large and its ‘rateable value’... Read more
4th May