Healthy Walks are looking for new leaders so they can grow the Heathfield Group. Can you help?

2nd February

Healthy Walks information

Health Walks is a successful programme of walking for health benefits both mental & physical and it runs at lots of locations around the county including Heathfield. The group which runs on a Wednesdays is too big to take any new walkers, but they would like to run another one.

Lorna Neville, Leader & Organiser, Health walks explained: “We’d love to set up a second group… if anyone like to help we would love to hear from you? If we could get 4 or 5 new people trained up as leaders, we could have another walk on another day so more people could join in. You’d only need to lead once or twice a month, having a team means we can spread out the turns and make sure there is cover for illness or holidays.”

Maps and insurance are already in place, and the leaders from the other group would help to get everything set up. You can click HERE for more or drop her a line: