Heathfield Youth Drama’s Oliver Jr racks up another success!
7th December

Last week the aspiring actors from the Heathfield Youth Drama Group put on their Christmas production of Oliver Jr. This classic take on the story of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, is very much a musical with the key elements of the much loved story incorporated in it.
The sell out performance over four nights involved two casts comprising 68 young people, so they were able to appear in alternate performances of the two hour long show. Mary Pearson from Heathfield Youth Drama group commented: ” All the students and helpers worked so hard to pull together a really awesome show, I feel incredibly proud of them. The audience was hugely appreciative of their talents and I look forward to bringing the group to perform at the Southern Counties Drama Festival at the Barn Theatre Oxted. If anyone is interested in joining the group there are a couple of taster spaces on the 6th and 13th Jan to book a place Email heathfieldyouthdrama@gmail.com “.
We are delighted to be able to share some of the highlights from the photography, courtesy of sixth form student photographer- Jack White.