Joy at new freedoms for local care homes – Oakdown House and Carricks Brook
29th April
Everyone, everywhere is talking about ‘the end of lockdown’, this too is the topic of conversation at two local residential homes for adults with learning disabilities. The prospect of freedom and ‘normality’ is exciting but staff and residents of both Oakdown House and Carricks Brook are moving forward with caution, keeping everyone safe is still of paramount importance.
The Managing Director of both homes, Mike Derrick, is very pleased that 100% of residents at Carricks Brook and Oakdown House have now received their vaccinations, with 88% of staff at both homes having been vaccinated so far, which as of April, when these figures were calculated, is higher than the national average. This success is thanks to the great team at Heathfield & Manor Park Surgeries who have gone out of their way to make the process go smoothly.
The return of relatives for visits
A huge positive for residents recently has been the return of relatives and friends being able to visit. The homes have routines in place to allow visitors time to conduct LFD tests before visiting and putting on the correct PPE in line with government guidance. The weather has on the whole been kind, allowing many outdoor visits in the homes’ beautiful gardens.
Staff and residents have really enjoyed some considered trips out for walks and picnics in quieter locations across Sussex, just a trip out in a car has felt like an adventure to some. To make sure residents feel confident out in the community again, after such a long time, they have taken part in PPE training and familiarisation so that they can feel comfortable wearing face masks too.
You could join the dedicated staff at one of these homes
Looking forward to the ‘end of lockdown’ staff and residents have many more adventures and trips out planned, many residents are looking forward to shopping and eating out while others are looking forward to days out at the beach, outdoor cinema trips, BBQ’s and even restarting college courses. Staff continue to make everyday life within the homes enjoyable and interesting so although returning to ‘normal’ is exciting the residents really do have a great time at home!
If you would like to consider a rewarding career in care, both homes are currently recruiting. See below.