Teddy’s big adventure. Delighted owners celebrate his return in time for Christmas!

20th December

Teddy back in his owner’s arms

Hayley Kelly had all but given up on her 12 year old cat Teddy who had been missing for six weeks. Usually a bit of a home bird he had disappeared back on the 13 November from their home in Crowborough, and despite calls to the locals vets he was nowhere to be found.

“I was already thinking the worst, he’s not a young boy and it’s completely out of character for him to go missing. I imagined him being attacked by foxes or trapped on a building site,” explained Hayley.

The whole family just wanted him back for Christmas, but they were not feeling optimistic. So imagine their surprise and relief when the Heathfield Vets contacted them after scanning a cat’s micro chip to find it was infact Teddy. He was a bit hungry but surprisingly well after his adventure.

Hayley was left wondering how he got from Crowborough to Heathfield, had he jumped into a car or climbed into a bag and ended up there? Possibly she won’t ever know. The vets didn’t know the person who handed him in so Hayley was unable to thank them.

Until a chance post from Ruth Coleman on social media, she had seen Hayley’s orginal post, and has come forward to fill in some gaps in Teddy’s activities over the past few weeks. She explained he had been at Best Reclamation’ near the Heathfield Tip for a couple of weeks where they had been looking after him. He was shy, but she gained his trust and tempted him with some of his favourite chewy sticks to the point that she was able to capture him and take him to the vets in the hope of finding his owner.

Hayley is so grateful to Ruth and although this fills in part of the story she still has no idea how he got the ten miles from Crowborough to Heathfield.

Happily Teddy will be curled up with Hayley and her family, enjoying some Christmas Treats – chewy stick and catnip this weekend. But if you know how he got to Heathfield we would love to hear from you.
