Wealden partners with The Conservation Volunteers to deliver free Green Gym sessions and health walks
31st July
Wealden District Council has recently partnered with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) to deliver a series of health and wellbeing focused conservation activities.
From July, TCV will begin delivering weekly guided health walks and Green Gym sessions along the Cuckoo Trail, completely free for residents to join and get involved in. The programme of activities will be running until 31 March 2025.
Every Tuesday, the Cuckoo Trail group health walk will begin at 10.30am, starting at different points along the trail each week. These walks will be a great way to get outside, meet new people, and learn a thing or two about the local area. Each walk will be an hour long and suitable for any ability.
The Green Gym sessions will take place every Wednesday and Thursday 10am-1pm, from July. Green Gyms are a fantastic way to get active in the great outdoors and meet people in your community whilst improving the local area. Each Green Gym session will be three hours long with a range of activities at varying locations along the Cuckoo Trail. Whether you have been involved in conservation or never done it before, all abilities are welcome.
Councillor Kelvin Williams, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat) and lead councillor for Public Health, Wellbeing and Asset Management, said, “These are fantastic initiatives to get people out in the great outdoors and enjoy all that the Cuckoo Trail has to offer for people of all ages.”
To find out more or book onto an activity, contact Becky Lewis on 07483045706 or email rebecca.lewis@tcv.org.uk. Alternatively check out the TCV website https://www.tcv.org.uk/southeast/volunteer-south-east/day-projects/east-sussex-biodiversity-action-team/ or find TCV Sussex on Facebook.