Carricks Brook staff help residents enjoy sports day

3rd September

The pandemic has been challenging for the staff and residents of Carricks Brook, a small, family run care home in Dallington for adults with autism and challenging behaviours. But, the staff have worked hard to successfully adapt daily life to ensure that the residents can still lead happy and fulfilling lives.

The ever popular egg and spoon race

This summer the residents and staff decided to have a sports day.

Residents, with the support of staff, participated in lots of traditional races including a sack race, egg and spoon race, three-legged race, wheelbarrow race (with real wheelbarrows), sprinting races and an obstacle race using lots of the lovely outdoor equipment that Carricks Brook already has in its garden.

“Each race brought smiles and delight to the residents, each participating at their own level and enjoying the challenge of the different skills required. The obstacle race brought out the competitive side of some participants, one particular resident can run very fast so the staff member supporting the resident felt a huge sense of achievement at completing the obstacle race in a record breaking 20 seconds! The wheelbarrow race was a bit of challenge and although some staff members got thrown out of their wheelbarrows, no one got injured. Much laughter came from one resident while watching the others stumble during the sack race; staying upright is obviously trickier than it looks,” commented Sue, Team Member at Carricks Brook.

Making use of the equipment in the garden of Carricks Brook

The day wasn’t just about the races, residents enjoyed a buffet lunch outside and cool rewards of ice creams and ice pops, much needed in the beautiful sunny weather. There were quieter times during the day too and residents sat in the shade chatting and resting while throwing and catching bean bags, reflecting on the day and what fun they’d all had. Although residents have missed out on holidays and days out due to COVID-19 they have had some very special and memorable days of fun this summer.

Carricks Brook resident relaxing after the activity