Heathfield Scouts launch campaign to tackle loneliness in the community

10th May

“Bear Grylls, the Chief Scout, asked all Scouts to make a difference in their community this year. It was up to each group to decide how to achieve this, I am very proud of the young people from the 1st Heathfield Scouts, who after much debate, have chosen to tackle loneliness. Together they have decided that the best way to do this is to build new friendships with people. There are 320 of us, parents, carers, leaders and young people and we will all be spreading the word that no one should feel isolated. We have events and activities taking place from May to July, ”  explained Group Scout leader, John Roberts.

Friendship Week launches this Monday 13th May, everyone in the community is invited to extend the hand of friendship in their daily lives to someone they don’t know or haven’t spoken to in a while. It could be at school in the playground, in the doctors’ waiting room, over the garden fence or in a cafe.

Friendship Week is just the start of their plans to make a difference in Heathfield. In June they are joining the Bisto Together project which encourages people to invite a neighbour for Sunday Lunch. On 7th July they are running the Great Big Heathfield Meet Up, a walk in the town culminating in tea and cake in Wills Wood.

Also, Beaver Scouts will be organising play dates for other 6-8-year-olds who for whatever reason may not be enjoying hanging out with their friends at each other’s houses. Cub Scouts with a responsible adult will be chatting to older members of the community, and older Scouts 10-14 will be inviting people their age to join them for a special evening at Scouts.

The Geoffry Cadle Award will be awarded for the first time this year to the young person who is judged to be the most ‘ community minded’; the award is named in honour of a generous local man from Punnetts Town, who you may have seen pedalling his bike to Heathfield most days, until he passed away last year. Scouts also earn a badge if they participate in the campaign.

Want to get involved? It’s easy! Anyone can, just by extending the hand of friendship to someone in their local community.

Join the Scouts as a volunteer

If you are interested in becoming a leader in Scouts, contact john@clanroberts.net  Comments are frequently made about the lack of activities for young people in Heathfield, but without volunteers, it isn’t possible to run beneficial groups like the Scouts. It could be the challenge you are waiting for. www.1stHeathfieldScouts.uk and @1stHeathfield on social media.

two boys reading together

Talking to someone or reading together is a good way to start a friendship