Heathfield Community College ‘A’ Level exam success

11th August

Abi Irwin celebrates her results and a place at Medical School

Students collecting A Level results this year experienced their Sixth Form studies in undeniably unprecedented circumstances, including three national lockdowns. For the second year running, Heathfield Community College students had exams were cancelled, final grades were instead based on assessments by teachers following guidance from exam boards. Despite this students are celebrating excellent ‘A’ Level exam success.

All staff at Heathfield Community College are exceptionally proud of all of Year 13 and the hard work that they have consistently shown. They can be proud of themselves, their outcomes and their aspirational progression routes. We congratulate all our students and celebrate the hard work that they have shown to get to this point along with the relentless support of their parents and carers. We look forward to staying in touch with them and seeing what they do in the future,” commented Caroline Barlow, Headteacher

Impressive outcomes for students:

The school worked hard throughout a difficult year to ensure that all students were able to study, learn and continue to plan for their future with the same ambition and determination of previous cohorts. It is down to their own phenomenal hard work and commitment, and their exceptional partnership with their teachers, they have secured some outstanding results.

Heathfield Community College students will now able to enjoy the fruits of that hard work, taking up their places on some of the most competitive and aspirational courses available. Here are some of the highlights below:

The following students achieved three A* grades and are progressing onto a wide range of courses:

  • Jasmine Batson (A*, A*, A*), University of Warwick, Management
  • Anna Campbell (A*, A*, Distinction*), Bournemouth University, Criminology with Psychology
  • Callum Halton (A*, A*, A*), University of Cambridge, Engineering (N2HF)
  • Maezie Lane (A*, A*, A*) University of Leeds, Liberal Arts
  • Thomas Marsden (A*, A*, A*, A) University of York, Chemistry with year in industry
  • Sophie Marsh (A*, A*, A* and EPQ A*), University of Leeds, Accounting and Finance
  • Eloise Matthews (A*, A*, A*) Loughborough University, Mathematics with Statistics
  • Louie Pietroni (A*,A*, A*), University of Cambridge, Computer Science
  • Leila Warren (A*, A*, A*) Cardiff University, Spanish and Japanese

35% of students successfully gained places at Russell Group universities including, among others:

  • Charlie Moore (A, A, B) University of York, Actuarial Science with year in industry
  • Emily Smith (A*, A, A) University of Nottingham, Liberal Arts
  • Marc Twinn (A*, A, A and EPQ A*) Durham University, Geography
  • Sam Walley (A*, A, A) Durham University, History
  • Johnnie Warren (A*, A*, B) University of Exeter, Civil Engineering with year in industry
  • (A*, A, A, A) University of Bristol, Veterinary Science
  • (A,A,A) University of Southampton, Psychology with Law
  • (A*, A, A) University of Bristol, Law

The most popular progression routes include the Sciences (15% of applications) and Social Sciences (15% of applications) with Humanities (Geography, History and Law), Sport and the Arts courses also popular. Other notable courses include:

  • Anouk Berryman (A, A, A) Keele University, Forensic Science and Human Biology
  • Matt Fox (A*, A, A) University of Bath, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Jacob Pooley (A*, A, A) University of Portsmouth, Sport and Exercise Science
  • Alfie Richardson (A, B, C) University of Sussex, Automotive Engineering
  • Douglas Scott (A, B, B) Swansea University, Marine Biology
  • Elisa Spencer (A*, A, A) Bristol, University of the West of England, Architecture
  • Katie Walters (A*, A, A) University of Brighton, Interior Architecture
  • (A, B, B) University of Sussex, Physics and Astrophysics
  • (A*, A, A) University of Sheffield, Mechanical Engineering with year in North America

It isn’t just about university places there are a number of students who are progressing into what are becoming increasingly popular alternative highly competitive courses including apprenticeships or employment including:

  • Louisa Bowes (A*,B, B) Degree Apprenticeship with Nestle
  • Libby Fitt (A*, A, A) Degree Apprenticeship with Credit Suisse
  • Other apprenticeships in customer services, accountancy and with a local bike company.
  • 10% of students are also progressing onto Art Foundation courses or other specialist further education.

The school also continues to support a number of very talented students into Art Foundation courses at local Colleges which enable them to develop skills and build portfolios for future steps in Creative industries.

In addition to the 2021 cohort, a number of students from 2020, 2019 and 2018 have secured places on courses across the country. This includes Medicine, Zoology, Psychology, History, Biomedical Science and Law.

The journey to this point

Headteacher, Caroline Barlow when on to explain:

“No other year group has had quite such disruption and change during the course of their study. There should be no under-estimation of their achievements. These students have shown phenomenal resilience and determination throughout their studies, completing Year 12 in a time of national lockdown and adjusting to continued remote working and lockdown throughout Year 13. Teachers have been impressed with their commitment to study and their ambition to succeed that shone through this period. They have acquired skills and shown depth that will stand them in good stead for their future studies and life choices.

“Throughout the summer term of 2021 College staff worked collectively to agree Teacher Assessed Grades which were submitted to the exam boards in June. A national process has been applied to quality assure centre practice and procedures that was overseen by the exam boards and the exams regulator Ofqual, their message to students and parents can be seen here: Ofqual Message

Director of Sixth Form, Paul Evason said “After another challenging year students should take time to reflect on their outstanding achievements and gaining their onward destinations. Our students always impress us, but the determination and resilience demonstrated by this cohort throughout their studies over the past two years is highly commendable. We look forward to them keeping us updated on their futures.”

Headteacher Caroline Barlow continued:

We are incredibly proud of our students and there is much to celebrate about what they have achieved based on how hard they have worked over the last two years. They have been true to their aspirations which are varied and ambitious, showing real character and self-belief. We are delighted for them and their equally hard-working parents and carers who have supported them through this time! It will be exciting to see what this generation goes on to achieve in the future.”

Continuing the partnership: Heathfield Alumni

“We pride ourselves on our thriving and engaged community which extends beyond the school gates and is a valued part of students’ lives long after they leave. Heathfield Alumni play an important role in sustaining and developing our happy and successful environment, where students gain a range of rich experiences and opportunities. See here for more information and to register: https://www.heathfieldcc.co.uk/?page_id=1298338