Heathfield guides presented with coveted awards

7th January

Heathfield guides receiving awards

Left to right: Aimee Vater, Assistant Leader; Chloe Honeysett ; Lucie Miller; Sophie Wilson; Jasmin Evans; Daynna Southern, Leader in Charge and Karen Shaw, District Commissioner.

Five Heathfield guides have been presented with their Baden-Powell Challenge Award.

The Baden-Powell Award is the highest award a guide can achieve and is designed to push their boundaries and encourage them to try new things.

Chloe Honeysett,14, Lucie Miller 14, Grace Coppard 14, Sophie Wilson, 13, and Jasmin Evans, 14, spent the past year working really hard to achieve the challenge by running meetings at their unit, trying to create more healthy lifestyles for themselves, looking into ways of helping others and the environment and much more.

Some of the girls carried out work for animal charity Raystede, raising awareness of the charity and helping raise funds.

Other guides investigated the harmful impact of all our rubbish and went litter picking to try and improve their local environment.

At the end of the challenge the girls were required to attend a special Baden-Powell Adventure. They spent a long weekend with a group of other candidates for the award learning lots of new crafts to bring back to their unit and preparing themselves for the next step of their Guiding journey.

Unfortunately Grace was not well enough to attend the surprise presentation, but Lucy, Jasmine, Chloe and Sophie were all thrilled when their District Commissioner arrived to present them with their hard-earned badges and certificates.

The four girls are pictured with their District Commissioner and proud Leaders Daynna and Aimee who supported them through the challenge. Heathfield District leaders say they are extremely proud of the girls and all their hard work and they were thrilled to have as many as five girls receiving this coveted award.

Karen Shaw , District Commissioner, said: “All five girls have obviously worked very hard and fully deserve this award. What a fantastic way for them to finish their time at Guides and start their time in the Senior Section, soon to be called Rangers. What a great leadership team we have in Heathfield District.”